Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011.

This week is finals week! I originall had two tests scheduled, OpMan tomorrow then Histo on Thursday. But thankfully, I go exempted for Histo! Sir Giron posted the scores in his website. 84% just one point above the limit. Hihi. I thought about taking the test but I didn't want to risk it anymore. One more academic-related thing is about Finance. Sir Aldo sent the LT3 grades earlier and I got a 73. Which was a C+ at first but then I wasn't sure because some were given a C+ some were given a B. Then he sent the temporary final grades 30 minutes ago and I'm happy as a clam!! My LT became an 82 which is a sure B. Since I got a C in the 1st, B in the 2nd and 3rd and an A in the class participation (no idea why), my final grade is a B. THANK YOU LORD. :) I thought this sem would drag down my grades but its turning out pretty well! B in Histo. B in Finance. Possible B+ in OpMan. Hopefully a B in Philo and Marketing. Sigh of relief!

So I didn't do anything productive today. Woke up late. "Studied" for OpMan. And nothing else. A funny note to leave you with. My mom, who I think is in her "mid-life crisis" stage, got something in the mail today.
A ukelele!! SO FUNNY.

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